The EYE Idioms: Idioms List about the EYE with Examples and Definitions

The EYE Idioms: Idioms List about the EYE with Examples and Definitions

All Eyes Are On


Watching alertly or attentively.
Having prominent eyes.
Everyone is paying attention to …

For example:

After the candidate’s strong performance in the first debate, all eyes are on him to see if he will make a mistake this time.

All Eyes And Ears



For example:

The team was all eyes and ears as the coach explained the challenges ahead.

Apple of one’s Eye


Something or someone that is very dear to another person

For example:

Sheila has only one child, and she dotes on her—her daughter is the apple of her eye.

Bedroom Eyes


An expression of the eyes that seems to invite sex

For example:

I can tell by your bedroom eyes that you want to go home with me.

Bird’s-Eye View


A view of the broad essentials of something, as if from above

For example:

This document will give you a bird’s-eye view of the company goals. Then we’ll start your traning on specific tasks.

Dead Eye


A good shooter, a good marksman

For example:

Virgil is a dead eye. He learned his skills in the army.

In the Blink of an Eye


Quickly, seemingly instantaneously

For example:

I had a beautiful family, a nice home, and lots of money. And then, in the blink of an eye, it was all gone.

See Eye to Eye


To concur, agree

For example:

I don’t see eye to eye with Frances on the workflow, but she’s the boss.

Puppy Dog Eyes


A begging look

For example:

I try to be strict with my daughter, but when she looks at me with those puppy dog eyes, I buy her candy.

Black Eye


A mark of shame

For example:

By overcharging customers, you not only gave the company a black eye—you broke the law.